
Cheap Pens and an Expensive Jacket

So pens around here aren't that easy to come by. Well, they are, there's a paper guy five minutes from my house. But I don't have a ton of them. I bought a bunch of pens on discount from the Wal-mart-ish store here.

These pens stink. They are the worst pens in the world. They look like crystal-clear Bic pens. They aren't.

The first two I tried didn't work. The next one did, and I stocked up a few of them in my bag.

A few weeks later, down to my last pen, I shoved another one in the pocket of my jacket. My 2007-era Reebok Kansas City Chiefs dual-jacket, with a fleece interior. (I love this coat. 80 percent off. Works for a heavy and light coat. It's great.)

An hour later, the pen was out of ink. It had broken in my pocket.

Yeah. All the ink had pooled up at the bottom of my coat, leaving a huge spot on the coat.

10 minutes later, that spot had transferred to my khaki pants.

Two washing-machine cycles later, both spots had stayed in exactly the same place.

So a 15-cent pen took out those items. Lesson learned. I'm going for true-Bic crystal clear next time.

*Also, apparently with my new haircut (thanks for noticing, Bekah), I can pull off the gangsta look better. I was walking down the street in said jacket, wearing sunglasses to block sun only. It was a long walk, so I turned on my ipod (Zune).

Then a bunch of kids walking by started yelling at me, waving their hands in some kind of dance move (I guess). They asked me to call out a yo-yo for them.

I think the states, I'd still pass off as a dweeb. Here, maybe they don't understand the dweeb look and go with hip-hop.
